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Australia AAT: 1993 Regional Wildlife II. FDC. Ref: S0047
Country: Australian Antarctic Territory. Title: ANTARCTIC REGIONAL WILDLIFE II. Issue Date: 14th January 1993. Face Value: A$3.90 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$6.80 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 95 - 97 Type: First Day Cover. Condition: Excellent. As issued. Description: This official Australia Post First...
Australia: 1940 Imperial Forces. FU 2d Stamp. Ref: S0608
Country: Australia. Title: Imperial Forces. Issue Date: 15th July 1940. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 156. Stanley Gibbons Catalogue N0163umber: 197. Face Value: A 0.0s.02d Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.83 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 14x13 Watermark: #15 Sideways Condition: Very good. Un-hinged....
Australia: 1940 Imperial Forces. Set 4 MNH Stamps. Ref: S0609
Country: Australia Title: Imperial Forces Issue Date: 15th July 1940 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 155 - 158 Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Number: 196 - 1999 Face Value: 0.0s.11d Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$44.74 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 14x13 Watermark: 15 Sideways. Condition: MNH. As issued. Description:...
Australia: 1982. Roses MUH Stamps. Set of 4.
Country: Australia. Title: ROSES Stampworld Catalogue Number: 788-791 Issue Date: 19th May 1982 Face Value: A$2.07 Stampworld Catalogue Value A$3.60 Type: Gummed stamps. Condition: Excellent. Mint unhinged. Full gum. Description: A set of 4 stamps (1x27c, 1x40c, 1x65c, 1x75c) each showing an Australian...
Australia: 1986 Alpine Wildflowers $1.00 Booklet. Ref: S0106
Country: Australia Title: Alpine Wildflowers Issue Date: 25th August 1986 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 995, 997, 998 Face Value: A$1.00 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$4.20 Type: Gummed stamps Booklet Pane. Perforation: Condition: Excellent, as issued. Description: An Australia Post folded booklet containg...
Australia: 1987 Australia Day 36c MNH Stamp.
Country: Australia Title: Australia Day Issue Date: 23rd January 1987 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1016 Face Value: A$0.36 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.83 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 13 x 14 Condition: MNH Stock Number: P0577 Postal Weight: 5g.
Australia: 1987 Christmas 63c MNH Stamp.
Country: Australia Title: Christmas Issue Date: 2nd November 1987 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1075 Face Value: A$0.63 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$1.68 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 13 x 13 Condition: MNH Description: The 63c Christmas issue Stock Number: P0576 Postal Weight: 5g.
Australia: 1990. THINKING OF YOU 10x43c STAMP BOOKLET.
Country: Australia. Title: THINKING OF YOU. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1226 Issue Date: 3rd September 1990. Face Value: A$4.30 (10x43c) Stampworld Catalogue Value A$8.00 Type: Booklet. Gummed stamps. Condition: Excellent. As issued. Full gum Description: A booklet of 10x43c stamps with 10 Greetings...
Canada: 1986 Birds Of Canada. Block 4. FDC. Ref: S0093
Country: Canada Title: Birds Of Canada Issue Date: 22nd May 1986 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 995 - 998 Face Value: C$1.36 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$13.45 Type: Gummed stamp on First Day Cover Perforation: Condition: As issued. Description: An illustrated FDC with a block of 4 C$0.34 stamps attached...
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