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Great Britain

48 product(s) found for "Great Britain"
Great Britain. 1968. QEII Definitive FDC. Ref: S0124
Country: Great Britain. Title: 1968 QEII DEFINITIVE ISSUE FDC. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 465-468 Issue Date: 1st July 1968 Face Value: UK 0-2s-6d Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$2.80 Type: First Day Cover. Condition: Excellent. As issued. Description: Official FDC with 1x5d, 1x7d, 1x8d, 1x10d stamps...
Great Britain: 1967 Definitives QEII Special Issue FDC.
Country: Great Britain Title: QEII Definitives Special Issue FDC Issue Date: 8th August 1967 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 439 - 441 Face Value: 0.2s.6d Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$2.10 Type: Gummed stamps Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: Excellent, as issued. Description: The set of 3 stamps attached...
Great Britain: 1969 British Ships. MUH. Set 5. Ref: S0498
Country: Great Britain Title: Ships Issue Date: 15th January 1969 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 478 - 483 Face Value: 0-5s-2d Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$2.52 Type: Gummed stamps Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: MNH Description: Set of 5 pre-decimal ship stamps Stock Number: P0498 Postal Weight: 10g...
Great Britain: 1970-1977. QEII Definitives Stamps. 5 x FU
Country: Great Britain. Title: QEII DEFINITIVES. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 530, 531, 592, 713, 714. Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$4.36 Issue Date: 17th June 1970, 6th December 1972, 2nd February 1977. Face Value: UK 4.70 = A$8.45 Type: Used gummed stamps. Condition: Fine used. Off paper. Description:...
Great Britain: 1978 British Horses 13p FU Stamp.
Country: Great Britain Title: British Horses Issue Date: 5th July 1978 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 753 Face Value: 0.13p Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.84 Type: Gummed stamp. Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: Used. Description: The 13p stamp from the 4 set issue. Stock Number: P0230 Postal Weight: 5g....
Great Britain: 1978 British Horses 13p FU Stamp.
Country: Great Britain Title: British Horses Issue Date: 5th July 1978 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 753 Face Value: 0.13p Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.84 Type: Gummed stamp. Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: Used. Description: The 13p stamp from the 4 set issue. Stock Number: P0229 Postal Weight: 5g....
Great Britain: 1978 British Horses 9p FU Stamp.
Country: Great Britain Title: British Horses - Shire Horse Issue Date: 5th July 1978 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 753 Face Value: 0.9p Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.42 Type: Gummed stamp. Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: Used. Description: The 9p Shire Horse stamp from the 4 set issue. Stock Number:...
Great Britain: 1979. Christmas 15P FU Stamp. Ref: S0232
Country: Great Britain Title: Christmas Stamps Issue Date: 21st November 1979 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 797 Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Number: 1108 Face Value: 0.15p Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.81 Type: Gummed stamp. Perforation: 14 x 14 Watermark: None Designed By: Fritz Wegner Engraving Printed...
Great Britain: 1982 British Textiles FDC. Ref: S0082
Country: Great Britain Title: British Textiles Issue Date: 23-07-1982 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 904 - 907 Face Value: 0.90 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$4.20 Type: First Day Cover Perforation: Condition: Very good. Clean. No damage. Description: Official Royal Mail First Day Cover with a set of 4...
Great Britain: 1984 Heraldry First Day Cover. Ref: S0102
Country: Great Britain Title: Heraldry Issue Date: 17th January 1984 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 956 - 959 Face Value: 0.95 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$5.04 Type: Gummed stamp on illustrated cover. Perforation: Condition: Excellent. Clean. No damage. Description: set of 4 stamps attached to official...
Great Britain: 1987 Christmas First Day Cover.. Ref: S0098
Country: Great Britain Title: Christmas Issue Date: 17th November 1987 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1107 - 1111 Face Value: 1.22 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$6.30 Type: Gummed stamp on First Day Cover Perforation: Condition: Excellent. Description: Official Royal Mail Christmas FDC with set of 5 Christmas...
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