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Great Britain: 1982 British Textiles FDC. Ref: S0082
Country: Great Britain Title: British Textiles Issue Date: 23-07-1982 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 904 - 907 Face Value: 0.90 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$4.20 Type: First Day Cover Perforation: Condition: Very good. Clean. No damage. Description: Official Royal Mail First Day Cover with a set of 4...
Great Britain: 1984 Heraldry First Day Cover. Ref: S0102
Country: Great Britain Title: Heraldry Issue Date: 17th January 1984 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 956 - 959 Face Value: 0.95 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$5.04 Type: Gummed stamp on illustrated cover. Perforation: Condition: Excellent. Clean. No damage. Description: set of 4 stamps attached to official...
Great Britain: 1987 Christmas First Day Cover.. Ref: S0098
Country: Great Britain Title: Christmas Issue Date: 17th November 1987 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1107 - 1111 Face Value: 1.22 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$6.30 Type: Gummed stamp on First Day Cover Perforation: Condition: Excellent. Description: Official Royal Mail Christmas FDC with set of 5 Christmas...
Great Britain: 1990 Astronomy First Day Cover. Ref: S0133
Country: Great Britain Title: Astronomy Issue Date: 16th October 1990 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1277 - 1280 Face Value: 1.16 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$5.46 Type: Gummed stamps. Perforation: 14 x 14 Condition: Excellent, as issued Description: an illustrated FDC with the set 0f 4 Astronomy stamps...
Great Britain: 1990 Astronomy MUH Set of 4 Stamps.
Country: Great Britain. Title: ASTRONOMY. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1277-1280 Issue Date: 16th October 1990 Face Value: UK 1.16. Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$5.37 Type: Gummed stamps. Condition: Excellent. MUH. Full gum Description: Set of 4 MUH stamps of the 1990 Astronomy issue. Postal Weight:...
Great Britain: 1994. Christmas. MUH. Set 5 Stamps.
Country: Great Britain. Title: CHRISTMAS. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1519-1523 Issue Date: 1st November 1994 Face Value: UK 1.50 Stampworld Catalogue Value A$5.57 Type: Gummed stamps. Condition: Excellent. MUH. As issued. Description: Official Christmas issue of 5 stamps. 1x19p, 1x25p, 1x30p, 1x35p,...
Malaya - Pahang: 1957-1962. Sultan Abu bakar Ri'. Ref: S0181
Country: Malaya - Pahang. Title: Sultan Abu bankar Ri'. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 67, 68, 70. Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$1.20 Issue Date: 1957 - 1962 Face Value: MYR19 Type: Stamps. Condition: Good/very good. Description: Three fine used stamps issued between 1957 and 1962 during the reign of Sultan...
New Zealand: 1995 50th ANNIV. UNITED NATIONS FDC
Country: New Zealand. Title: 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Issue Date: 4th October 1995 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1514 Face Value: NZ$1.80 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$2.49 Type: First Day Cover Condition: Excellent, as issued. Description: Official New Zealand First Day cover with the $1.80...
New Zealand: 1995 50th ANNIV. UNITED NATIONS MNH Stamp.
Country: New Zealand. Title: 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Issue Date: 4th October 1995 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1514 Face Value: NZ$1.80 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$3.32 Type: MNH Stamp Condition: Excellent, as issued. Description: The NZ$1.80 MNH stamp. Postal Weight: 0.5g.
New Zealand: 1995 Christmas $0.40c FU Stamp On Paper.
Country: New Zealand Title: Christmas Issue Date: 2nd October 1995 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1497 Face Value: NZ$.40 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.84 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 12 Condition: Excellent. FU on paper Description: The 40c Christmas issue. Stock Number: P0566 Postal Weight: 5g.
New Zealand: 1995 Christmas 40c MNH Stamp.
Country: New Zealand Title: Christmas Issue Date: 2nd October 1995 Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1497 Face Value: NZ$.40 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.84 Type: Gummed stamp Perforation: 12 Condition: Excellenr. MNH. Description: The 40c Christmas issue. Stock Number: P Postal Weight: 5g.
New Zealand: 1995 Christmas Stained Glass. MNH Stamp
Country: New Zealand. Title: CHRISTMAS STAINED GLASS. Issue Date: 2nd October 1995. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1497 Face Value: NZ$0.40 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$0.78 Type: Gummed stamp. Condition: Mint Never Hinged. Description: The 40c Christmas stamp issue. Postal Weight: 5g.
New Zealand: 1995 Farmyard Animals Block of 10 Booklet.
Country: New Zealand. Title: Farmyard Animals Issue Date: 2nd October 1995. Stampworld Catalogue Number: 1498-1507. Face Value: NZ$4.00 Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$10.03 Type: Booklet of 10 Gummed and stamps. Condition: Excellent, as issued. MNH. Description: Stamp booklet of 10 x 40c stamps Postal...
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