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World Aerogrammes

An aerogram, aerogramme, aérogramme, air letter or airletter is a thin lightweight piece of foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter for transit via airmail, in which the letter and envelope are one and the same. 
3 product(s) found for "World Aerogrammes"
Australia: 1982 Pictorial Aerogramme. Unused. Ref: P0235
Country: Australia. Title: PICTORIAL AEROGRAMME. Stampworld Catalogue Number: Stampworld Catalogue Value: A$ Issue Date: 1982. Face Value: Type: Aerogramme. Condition: Very good. Unused. Description: A multifold pictorial aerogramme showing stunning views of various parts of Australia. In full colou...
Great Britain: 1989. Ely Cathedral.. Aerogramme.
Country: Great Britain. Title: ELY CATHEDRAL Catalogue Number: Issue Date: 1989 Face Value: 0.30 Type: Aerogramme. Condition: Excellent. As issued Description: Official Royal Mail aerogramme issued to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the completion of the main part of Ely Cathedral.
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